Another World Video Library

June 1998 - December 1998 Highlights (T-160)

Freeze Frames

Vicky and Jake
reunite yet again

Amanda has a thing
for dangerous men

The payoff
wasn't worth it...

Remy predicts an
explosive evening
at Carlino's

Cindy figures out there's
one way to Grant's heart
for sure...

Lila is actually running to
the studio exit doors

Miscellaneous Highlights

Mac, Carl, and the
man in the middle

Nick introduces
Paulina to Remy

Mirror Marley gives her
some bad advice

Cameron and Gary have
a joyous reunion

Sofia won't get her
dream wedding after all

Boca Lynda "excitement"

Amanda wonders if
Cameron and Josie feel
like a menage a trois

Nick dances up a storm
for Remy and Sofia

Lila gets a peek
of Rachel, Amanda,
and Paulina before
hair and makeup

Lila prefers Cass
on his back,...

... in a place of worship,...

... and wet

Donna disapproves of
Marley's choice of nurse

Jordan must have forgot
he already knew about
Cameron and Josie

Vicky couldn't kick
Marley's ass? Just one of
this story's problems

Sad faces during Lila and Matt's wedding

The celestial celebration to observe the Orionid meteor shower

There once was a lady from Niger
Who rode with a smile on a tiger
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside
And the smile on the face of the tiger