Ryan does time |
An extremely well-choreographed freeze frame |
Carl and his favorite chess piece |
Guess who? |
Kevin has a secret |
Felicia tells Jenna she has a new sister |
The death of Lucas |
Lucas watches over his family from beyond the grave |
Donna goes into seduction mode |
The twists and turns of Jake and Paulina |
Ryan gets email from the Black King |
Dennis gets his butt kicked on the court |
Donna, John, and the mysterious Lily Tran |
Jamie throws a temper tantrum |
Jake, the man in the mirror |
A sexual harassment suit divides Jamie and Kelsey |
"Times like this a boy needs his father" |
Iris and Rachel team up to nail Jake |
Hot AW Commercial: Who killed Rick Madsion? |
Summer Desire, the primetime episode |
Lorna almost drowns trying to save Felicia |
Grant and Amanda get caught in the hospital explosion |
Sam sings of his love for Amanda |
Vicky freaks when Grant proposes |
Donna works her charms on Grant |
Marley cheers wildly! |
The return of Russ Matthews |
Lucas dies in Lorna's arms |
Wacky wedding-dress Frankie montage |