Another World Video Library

February 1991 - June 1991 Highlights

Freeze Frames

Cass and Frankie face some hard times

Jake comes between Marley and Jamie

Carl and Donna come face-to-face

Jake and Paulina:
The Beginning

confronting Carl

Kathleen wants
Cass back

Grant and Vicky and
Ryan and Paulina

Carl and Donna enjoy a night at TOPS

Jake comes between Paulina and Grant too

Ryan is ticked when Carl threatens Vicky

John and Sharlene face a murder charge

... and Ryan is caught in the middle

Taylor Benson spins a trap for John

Cass and Kathleen reunited

Carl returns from the dead

Miscellaneous Highlights

Hot AW Commercial:
First Lovemaking:
Vicky and Ryan

The birth of Gregory

Sam can't take a shower in peace with Olivia around

First Kiss:
Amanda and Ryan

Donna is spooked by Jake's astral body

Caroline admires Ryan's butt

Jake's shooter revealed

The return of
Vince McKinnon

Marley forces Jake to relive the rape

End credits
of the dead

First Kiss:
Michael and Stacey

Kathleen and Cass, soulmates

Paulina and Vicky, best pals!

Carl: "Good seeing you again, Victoria. Bitchy as ever."

Dean makes some beautiful music
for Jenna

Kathleen collapses at Cass and Frankie's wedding

Jake aims for revenge from Paulina

Jake is supportive
of Amanda

Vicky is devastated when Ryan is shot

Whatever became of Carl's lions?

Liz tries to set up Matthew and Olivia

The Great

"You know, Bella, you're the only friend I have in the whole world."

John races to Sharlene's rescue

Sharlene, Dean, Stacey, Lucas, Michael, and Felicia cheer for Cass and Frankie